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Condensed Matter > Statistical Mechanics

Title: Renyi-alpha entropies of quantum states in closed form: Gaussian states and a class of non-Gaussian states

Authors: Ilki Kim
Abstract: In this work, we study the Renyi-alpha entropies S_{alpha}(\hat{rho}) = (1 - alpha)^{-1} \ln{Tr(\hat{rho}^{alpha})} of quantum states for N bosons in the phase-space representation. With the help of the Bopp rule, we derive the entropies of Gaussian states in closed form for positive integers alpha = 2,3,4, ... and then, with the help of the analytic continuation, acquire the closed form also for real values of alpha > 0. The quantity S_2(\hat{rho}), primarily studied in the literature, will then be a special case of our finding. Subsequently we acquire the Renyi-alpha entropies, with positive integers alpha, in closed form also for a specific class of the non-Gaussian states (mixed states) for N bosons, which may be regarded as a generalization of the eigenstates |n> (pure states) of a single harmonic oscillator with n >= 1, in which the Wigner functions have negative values indeed. Due to the fact that the dynamics of a system consisting of $N$ oscillators is Gaussian, our result will contribute to a systematic study of the Renyi-alpha entropy dynamics when the current form of a non-Gaussian state is initially prepared.
Comments: Accepted for publication in Physical Review E
Subjects: Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech); Quantum Physics (quant-ph)
Journal reference: Phys. Rev. E 97, 062141 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.062141
Cite as: arXiv:1804.05980 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
  (or arXiv:1804.05980v3 [cond-mat.stat-mech] for this version)

Submission history

From: Ilki Kim [view email]
[v1] Mon, 16 Apr 2018 23:31:39 GMT (118kb,D)
[v2] Sat, 26 May 2018 04:55:33 GMT (120kb,D)
[v3] Thu, 7 Jun 2018 23:54:26 GMT (121kb,D)

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