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High Energy Physics - Theory

Title: Torsion in quantum field theory through time-loops on Dirac materials

Abstract: Assuming dislocations could be meaningfully described by torsion, we propose here a scenario based on the role of time in the low-energy regime of two-dimensional Dirac materials, for which coupling of the fully antisymmetric component of the torsion with the emergent spinor is not necessarily zero. Appropriate inclusion of time is our proposal to overcome well-known geometrical obstructions to such a program, that stopped further research of this kind. In particular, our approach is based on the realization of an exotic $time-loop$, that could be seen as oscillating particle-hole pairs. Although this is a theoretical paper, we moved the first steps toward testing the realization of these scenarios, by envisaging $Gedankenexperiments$ on the interplay between an external electromagnetic field (to excite the pair particle-hole and realize the time-loops), and a suitable distribution of dislocations described as torsion (responsible for the measurable holonomy in the time-loop, hence a current). Our general analysis here establishes that we need to move to a nonlinear response regime. We then conclude by pointing to recent results from the interaction laser-graphene that could be used to look for manifestations of the torsion-induced holonomy of the time-loop, e.g., as specific patterns of suppression/generation of higher harmonics.
Comments: 24 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th); Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
Journal reference: Phys. Rev. D 101, 036021 (2020)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.036021
Cite as: arXiv:1907.00023 [hep-th]
  (or arXiv:1907.00023v3 [hep-th] for this version)

Submission history

From: Pablo Pais [view email]
[v1] Fri, 28 Jun 2019 18:16:32 GMT (736kb,D)
[v2] Fri, 8 Nov 2019 19:00:22 GMT (640kb,D)
[v3] Mon, 2 Mar 2020 19:00:23 GMT (660kb,D)

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