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Computer Science > Robotics

Title: Robot formation control in nonlinear manifold using Koopman operator theory

Abstract: Formation control of multi-agent systems has been a prominent research topic, spanning both theoretical and practical domains over the past two decades. Our study delves into the leader-follower framework, addressing two critical, previously overlooked aspects. Firstly, we investigate the impact of an unknown nonlinear manifold, introducing added complexity to the formation control challenge. Secondly, we address the practical constraint of limited follower sensing range, posing difficulties in accurately localizing the leader for followers. Our core objective revolves around employing Koopman operator theory and Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition to craft a reliable prediction algorithm for the follower robot to anticipate the leader's position effectively. Our experimentation on an elliptical paraboloid manifold, utilizing two omni-directional wheeled robots, validates the prediction algorithm's effectiveness.
Subjects: Robotics (cs.RO); Systems and Control (eess.SY)
Cite as: arXiv:2205.04052 [cs.RO]
  (or arXiv:2205.04052v3 [cs.RO] for this version)

Submission history

From: Yanran Wang [view email]
[v1] Mon, 9 May 2022 05:42:15 GMT (1154kb,D)
[v2] Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:55:11 GMT (1649kb,D)
[v3] Sat, 12 Aug 2023 04:50:46 GMT (1174kb,D)

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